Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My Favourite Blog

Although my experience with blogs is limited at the moment, recently a blog has proved quite useful for me. I fell in love with a stamp company called Stampin' Up, and found cards online made with a stamp I knew was old and possible retired, but I had no way of finding the name of it, or the set it was from. As a shot in the dark, I googled "bride stamp" and came across this blog:

Although the information is significantly outdated on the blog, from 2008, it had all the information I needed to find the name of the stamp set. In it's time, this blog would have been extremely helpful for new and upcoming products from Stampin Up. It also shows project ideas for the stamp sets purchasable from the company, which is good for when the creative juices need a boost.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Autocorrect is ruining my life

damn you auto correct funny iphone fails and blunders

I will admit that at times, the autocorrect has actually corrected me, which is helpful considering how many editors I have as close friends. That being said, its made me look like an idiot more than its helped me. One particular error that got me into trouble was when I was texting my friend Kelsey, and it was autocorrecting her boyfriend Trev's name, to my boyfriend Greg's name. You don't have to run too many scenarios to find the humour in it. I also found this website with some funny autocorrects, check it out :)