Thursday, June 14, 2012

Craigslist couches

If you're ever bored, and have a craving to see the a large collection of ugly furniture, go to the free section of Craigslist and type in "couch". These are just a small smapling of the jems you'll find there.

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For the record, just because your couch is from the 70's does not make it an antique, it's just an ugly old couch. Also, the definition of the decriptive word "floral" is very large.

One add actually said, "my cat has done some damage to the back, but if you put it up against a wall, you'd never know!"

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Lanyard status

Ever since the first time I went to Mirage, I've always wanted to wear one of those lanyards they give you on your birthday. It always looked so prestigious and I had this idea in my mind that it would be the ticket to endless free drinks. Since life got too hectic to plan my birthday, last minute I decided this was the year, because lets face it, at 24 it'll be the last year I can get away with it. I was heart broken when we got there I found out that they didn't have any lanyards because they were on back order. Well I must have looked crushed because not too long later, they delivered one to my table, with a complimentary bottle of champagne. I had an absolute blast. My friends ended up buying a lot of my drinks, I danced my heart out and I woke up in the morning still wearing my dress, my purse and TWO lanyards. Rock on.