So a couple weeks back now, I was invited over by one of the wonderful women I met at my yoga retreat. A group of six of us, mostly strangers to each other, curled up on her couches drinking herbal tea from mason jars, and just chatted. It felt so comforting and empowering at the same time.
Photo Credit: Suzanne Rushton Photogrpahy |
I ended up sat next to Michele, when we started talking about grieving and the people we'd lost. I told them about dad, and how the moment when his parents came in the room as he passed stuck with me. The look on Gramps face, it was hard to think about. She told me about this thing she does for people called trauma healing, and asked if I might be open to giving her 10 minutes of my time.
I was a little skeptical, and yet I'd only sat next to this women on the couch for a couple hours at that point, but she had this nurturing, beautiful aura to her. When she asked me if I trusted her, I honestly told her yes. She proceeded to take me through a sort of guided meditation, and visualization. At one point I tried to open my eyes and turn away, but her calming voice told me, "its okay, I'm here". I cried. It hurt to go back into that moment. I hugged her.
I felt pretty overwhelmed afterward, but on the way home, I realized, that moment was filled with love. My family reacted that way because of how much they loved my dad, and although it was quite heart wrenching, it was out of love. I feel at peace with it now. I wrote most of this, more emotionally charged in my journal, which was mostly filled with shock words. I can't thank Michele enough for her help. I'll link her page in case this interests you. I can't say enough good things about it.
I've since decided to embrace my inner hippie. No longer will you find me on the sidelines criticizing people for their outlandish ideas. I'm going to jump in headstrong. I'm also going to promise myself to incorporate a few things into my life, stay tuned for "Retreatisms".