Friday, February 26, 2016

Default to happy

They were talking on the radio the other day about when did you last have the time of your life. People called in with answers that was years ago. I think it had undertones to be a wake up call, start doing things that makes you happy. 

But then I thought about it. I had the time of my life Sunday when we went snow tubing. I had the time of my life when I had a couple friends over for dinner last week. I had the time of my life Wednesay when we got a Safeway chicken and watched a movie in I'd already seen. I'm about to have the time of my life on a float plane trip to Nanaimo with family. Tonight at a spiritual gathering with my sister. Sunday at a gong meditation. Saturday, no matter what we end up doing. Maybe its outlook. I feel like I'm usually having the time of my life. I've been told recently when I said I was excited, "yea that seems to be your default setting" I think my happy disposition is just lucky, but maybe we all make a choice every morning? Since I'm up so early, and have so much morning to contend with, let's just go ahead and make today awesome, ok people? 

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Quietly ok

It feels strange to say, "when I was younger..." Because it wasn't actually that long ago. But let's just say back when I was in highschool, I used to feel a need to fill empty space in conversation. It was a knee jerk reaction. Sometimes the stupid things would come tumbling out of my mouth! 

Well let's be honest, they regularly still do, but not because of trying to fill silences, that's just part of my charm. I've realized I'm ok with silence. I don't have to be talking or listening to enjoy someone's company, and actually sometimes I feel more of a connection with someone when we don't. Get your mind out the gutter Grams! I find it easier to focus on listening when I'm not thinking about what I'm going to say next. Conversations seem to flow more organically when there's slight pauses. Yes, this is a revelation for me. Ya'll figured it out at birth, but I'm just cueing in. I appreciate silence, and people that can tolerate it, who embrace it. It's calming. I still seek connections with random strangers in my life, that'll never change. Try it though, I doubt you'll be disappointed. Quiet on people!