Sunday, October 29, 2017


Two of my friends recently announced their pregnancy, which is totally exciting. I’ve known Jake and Alicia before they were Jake and Alicia, when they were Jake that plays magic cards and Tina’s hilarious friend Alicia to me. They’re the only couple our age who’ve stuck it out since high school, yup - high school sweethearts. But I could on all day about how they’re great people, that’s not what’s going to make them great parents. 

I’ve told this story before in a blog about my friends becoming parents, but one time I went skiing with Alicia, and just as we were about to leave the restaurant we had dinner at, she says, “anyone have to pee?” Turns out, I did have to go, I was just so excited about skiing, but she saved me from trying to find a bathroom on the mountain. It’s probably because she works with kids, but it was perfect. 

I’ve also been camping with Jake and Alicia when things came up that I wasn’t prepared for, and Jake always had a solution. He’s creative in that way only few people are. I know Alicia’s family is super into scouting, and that mentality about always coming prepared. 

This kid also won the grandparent JACKPOT as an aside. Some of the nicest, funniest people you’ve ever met. I’m excited to laugh with you about all the trials, and celebrate your successes, which for a while will all be about pee and poop. I’m excited for your new adventure, rock on! 

Saturday, October 7, 2017


Once upon a time, my mom gave me a set of earrings. They're not expensive, not heirlooms, just little blue earrings. 

The first time I wore them, I discovered I'd lost one at work. Assuming it was gone, but being optimistic, I hung onto the one half I had. A few months later, I found the missing earring stuck between the components of my cash drawer. They were a pair again! 

Recently, my place was broken into, and all my jewellery stolen. All I have are the few pieces that flew off the top of my precarious pile stacked on top of my jewellery box, assumingly when it was snatched in a rush. One of the things I salvaged from the floor was a single blue earring. Couldn't help but wonder if it was the drawer one, or the one I had all along. Wouldn't you know I found its pair in the washing machine after washing my clothes? It must have got mixed in with the laundry pile that sat beside my dresser, near where the jewellery box used to be. It's super clean now. 

The universe wants me to have these damn earnings, BADLY. Can't imagine how they weigh above the stuff from dad that took bits of my heart with them when they left, but maybe I'll never know. Maybe someone I know will need "something blue" for their wedding one day. Should any life event call for an item with freak bummerang effects, I'm also your girl. 


Thursday, October 5, 2017

My FACE!!!

A close friend of mine Nicole started selling products with Rodan and Feilds. I didn’t make it out to her event where everyone got to try the products and talk about their skin, but I still wanted to support her. I was slightly floored at how much the products were, coming from someone who spent very little on products I previously didn’t use if I’m honest. 

Without consulting my now expert friend, I blindly ordered some products online. I picked them up at my local UPS pick up point, which happens to be a pizza place. Felt pretty dodgey to say the least. 

And then I tried this bloody cream on my face. I was blown away. 

I went from someone who previously didn’t wash their face, to someone who looks forward to it. My face is so soft! I can’t stop touching it! Which I know is awful.

I wanna say it’s as soft as a babies butt, but now that my friends, including Nicole are having kids, I find the idea of stroking baby butt slightly alarming. 

It’s refreshing to find a friend get so enthusiastic and passionate about something, but especially something so worthwhile. I can personally attest to this, it rocked my world. 

Anyways, it’s totally worth trying. Nicole mentioned something about fixing the problem before it’s a problem, about wrinkles and eye droops, although more eloquently, I agree whole heartedly.