Tuesday, August 14, 2018

I Zumba-ed

So there I was, Courtneyless, (this ridiculousness was all her idea) full of bar food, running to class after it started and jumping right in. The instructor kept clapping, and yelling out random instructions like it meant something. “ARMS!” Up they all went. “LEFT!” Over they’d go. I took her instructions more as guidelines. Sometimes, by some miracle, I’d end up doing the same moves as them. Mostly not though. 

I did get a couple chuckles from the people down below on machines, and by this time tomorrow, I could be a YouTube sensation. Can you imagine? “Uh yes, I’d like to give my two weeks notice, hang onto that signature, I’m pretty much a big deal now...yes that’s right, for dancing badly..” I did manage to incorporate a double high five with a girl on the other side of the class at one point, which is gold. I super think she should incorporate that. So there I was, grooving to my own jig, trying not to puke up bar food, dancing like a drunk soccer mom, and the something magical happened. A Zumba equivalent to CHAVASNA! I can’t make this up!