Not that I'm offensive, I would like to think I blog about my experiences tastefully, and typically the only person I make fun of is me.
That being said, let me just say that some guys come out of the gate with a strategy. One guy, SugarDaddy, he was all business.
Some guys ask you what you're looking for too, maybe they want to see if they fit the bill? I've said, "Someone nice, who's got their shit together and likes to have fun. He's gotta make laugh!" The usuals. But in the last couple days I've come up with a couple bonus' that are slightly unusual.
SEAT WARMERS!!! Yes, I drive a 91' Ford Escort, seat warmers feel like an out of reach luxury. I want my next car to have them. But a car I might be in a lot in the mean time...although I'd find a way to screw that up too. "THE CAKE!! IT'S MELTING!!"
Also, a bath tub. Didn't realize how much I miss the occasional bath. Yes they're both material-ish things. Judge on. You try going 6 months without a single bath and cold butt.
Anyhow, some guys have strategies to get your attention, but so far the ones that have started to stick are the witty, funny ones I can actually have a decent conversation with. I'm told this is actually rare? Maybe my fellow female POF competition is just making this too easy for me...
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