Monday, June 20, 2016


So there we were driving the number one to Whislter at eight am on Saturday to do Tough Mudder. I look over to my right and who do I see, but my cousin and her kids on their way to the PNE. Despite all the money I'd spent on Tough Mudder, it was no contest between that event on my own in the rain, or Playland with my family. I was literally in all my gear, on the way there when I pitched it to Kyle, and we turned around at the next exit. People who came out for mine and Liz's birthday Friday, who saw me staggering around until 1am probably aren't surprised I didn't make it, but you should know my state of affairs had little to do with the decision. It did however come up later after a couple of the rides, but I didn't feed any of the plants, as close as it felt. It was pouring, we all drenched, but with big smiles on our faces. There's not a single doubt in my mind I made the best decision that day. 

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