Down Gatensbury street from my house, there’s such a thing as a five way stop. My new sexy dance classes are in Port Moody, so I’ve been going that way a lot more lately. This stop cracks me up. Every. Single. Time.
There’s only two scenarios that happen, either no one is there, or all five directions at the same time. When no one is there, I spend a ridiculous amount of time scanning to make doubly sure there’s no one, because by the time I’ve scanned from right to left, I have to check the right again. And it’s just jarring. It feels like a car is just going to pop right out of the trees!
The other scenario is when all five of us pull up at roughly the same time. Everyone gets this panicked look on their faces. Like “uh...the person to my right...are you going? I’ll go, no he looks like he’s going to go...” eventually someone musters the courage to establish THEY are the one going. But after that it’s a free for all. Funny thing is, I’ve never had a near accident at that one. It’s like everyone who goes through knows what a gong show it is, and proceeds cautiously.
Once in a while you see the poor bugger who’s approached this intersection for the first time. Their mouth is usually gapped open, frantically looking around and they usually go last. “Okay. It’s safe now...*phew* what on earth just happened?”